Wedding Planning for the Bride

What is the one thing every bride needs?

A free wedding planner! A free wedding budget tool! An idea of what is involved, how to plan it, and a plan!

Tips and advice!

Before you become overwhelmed with all the details ahead of you, sit back and enjoy what has happened- you are engaged! Congratulations!

Now, there is a lot of planning to be done. We can help this be an amazing time of fun and excitement as you plan the wedding of your dreams.

First, use our wedding planner worksheet to get an idea of what needs to be done and in approximately what order. Next, discuss at least the month you would like to set your wedding date, and what weekends are possible that month. Do you want a Friday night wedding (to have extra weekend time for your honeymoon)? Will it be better for out-of-town guests and your schedules to have a Saturday wedding? Do you want your wedding in the day or at night? Lastly, use our wedding budget planner to help get a ballpark figure to share with your parents (or whoever will be paying for the wedding).

This website is filled with articles about every aspect of weddings, and establishing a strong marriage. Check back frequently as new articles are constantly being added. For information on submitting an article to be considered for publication, please see our contact us page.

If you have someone to help you plan, give them this website link so they can join you in the outline and structure. If you are doing it yourself, no problem! We make it EASY.