The Vows (also visit our wedding blog for free sample wedding vows)

Wedding Ceremony Musts:

Many officiating pastors or clergy have set vows that they like to follow, but are willing to make some minor modifications to fit your style. You may also find someone wiling to read the vows you have written , provided they follow with the same spirit as the vows typically associated with that particular clergy’s beliefs. If there is something you wish to include (or exclude), be honest with the person you have chosen to marry you, and discuss this early. If there is something that you feel is critical to your ceremony but the person refuses, consider if that person is the right one for your wedding. Alternatively, consider if what you are asking is not appropriate for the situation.

Remember, your vows should signify your unending love for each other. If you want to water-down the language because you are worried it sounds too binding, be sure you realize that you are entering into a binding contract and it should be taken seriously.

Sample vows can be found in our community section, with vows from New Bride’s Guide, and from other brides who contribute to the community to help suggest great ideas. Consider adding your idea or vow to our community!