The Deal Breakers: Treat each other right

This should not even need to be said, but sadly, it does. If your future partner is not treating you right, he is not the one for you! At least not now, and maybe not ever. NO ONE deserves to be hit, punched, slapped, or kicked. NO ONE deserves to be yelled at, ridiculed, put down, or verbally assaulted. NO ONE deserves to be raped or molested.

Picture your dreams for the future. What would make you happy? You can have this! Do you want a peaceful home environment? To raise your children in a happy, healthy, and safe place? You can do this, regardless of how you grew up. There are numerous tools available today to help you learn to overcome bad habits and achieve your goals. God and your church can help, and community resources are usually available in most urban settings.

Sexual, physical, and verbal abuse is not part of a healthy marriage or lifestyle. You deserve a husband who will love and nurture you in a way that makes you feel safe. If you do not have this kind of relationship, YOU SHOULD NOT GET MARRIED (at least not yet, and possibly never).

Go to counseling.

See what others have to say with your particular situation. I am not saying people cannot change- they do, every day. But too often women enter a relationship hoping to change their man, and expecting that they can. Women enter a relationship expecting to change the guy, while men enter a relationship hoping she never changes. If you act like behaviors are acceptable because you believe he will never do this when you are married, you are wrong. The magic day does not change your everyday behavior, it only bonds you two closer together. Is he the person you can trust to be in your future forever? Be sure your answer is yes, be kind to yourself and seek counsel if you are not sure.