The Bridal Registry

Registries are relatively new, especially if you ask your parents or future parents-in-law. With the rise of the internet, registries have also changed significantly, even in the last decade. Now, where you live does not determine where you register. With registries, gone are the days of receiving three toasters that you did not need. Now, with a little planning, it is common to receive no duplicates (or very few duplicates), and to receive everything in your special color scheme you have chosen for your new home.

Print this pageto show to anyone who is not familiar with a registry, or who may be uncomfortable with the idea. Sometimes they just need to know that it is not viewed as demanding or greedy, but that most guests find it helpful and courteous.

It is generally accepted knowledge that brides-to-be will set up a gift registry. This aids guests in knowing what types of items to get to help you begin your future together. While you may choose to vary from the typical scenario, I will explain a typical registry to get you started.

Most brides will register at two or three different places. The third place is usually a more expensive or specialty store (William’s Sonoma, etc.), one place is a more upper end store with moderate pricing available (Foley’s, Dillards, Macy’s, Neiman Marcus, etc.), and at least one place is a lower-end pricing location (such as Target or Wal Mart). Even if you are selecting expensive items, unless every guest is very rich, guests often appreciate these lower-end choices.

When you register, be sure to include your dream items (can you say EXPENSIVE?) as well as some lower priced items at that location. For example, even if you are at that store to register mostly for China and Crystal, go ahead and register for some nice bath towels at the same store. Guests may surprise you and purchase more than you think, and some are loyal to certain stores. Also, if you feel bad about choosing expensive items on your registry, DON’T! Some guests may get together as a group to buy you something special.

During your shower, be sure that the person recording your gifts and organizing your cards tapes the gift receipts to the cards so you do not lose them. After the wedding, it is appropriate to return or exchange items you received duplicates of for things you did not receive.