For the Bride and Groom:
Premarital counseling is an essential part of beginning a lifelong foundation. What does it include? Every pastor, priest, religious official, or counselor will have their own spin on this idea. But the basic components should include discussion on a variety of topics.
The goal is to discuss some of the major issues that most couples face, and be sure you have discussed them and made any compromises necessary.
It is important to have realistic expectations of what marriage will be like, and this is a safe place to lay the foundation for your lifelong journey together.

Topics you discuss should include:
- family, in-laws: holidays, contact frequency, ways to get along, role in your lives
- religion and faith
- where you will live
- money/finances-who handles them, spending habits, who will work now and after children (both? one?)
- plans for children
- division of chores
sex and intimacy