Premarital Counseling

For the Bride and Groom: Premarital counseling is an essential part of beginning a lifelong foundation. What does it include? Every pastor, priest, religious official, or counselor will have their own spin on this idea. But the basic components should include discussion on a variety of topics. The goal is […]

Expectations in Marriage

Honeymoon Expectations, Honest Relationships and Marriage Expectations are high when you are starting your new life together. They should be- you can make your new life together anything you want it to be! Remember that there are two of you and you will have one marriage. This means compromise, which […]

The Engagement

Engaged to be Married: A Bride’s Handbook What a special time in your life. Congratulations! You are about to embark on an adventure that will feel like a rollercoaster and thrill ride with exciting moments every day. We are so excited you are letting us be a part of it. […]