Engaged Brides, Free Wedding Planner Help here! Free budget planner for planning your wedding! Enjoy your Engagement, let us help!Wow! You said yes (or he did). Now what? Enjoy this time. Dream about the BIG DAY. Imagine your new life together.
When you imagine your wedding day, what do you see? A huge ceremony with lots of friends and relatives cheering you on?
A small event with a few closest people to witness your vows?
A traditional ceremony in your church with an elaborate and formal celebration?
You can do it! Let us HELP.
This is the ONE PLACE where you can find everything you need to make your day special. Wedding and marriage advice from other new brides, brides-to-be, and those with years of marriage.
New Bride’s Guide to Weddings and MarriageAnd beyond. Plan the perfect honeymoon. Lay a great foundation for a lifelong journey together in your first years of marriage.
Remember one thing— it is YOUR day!>

Parents often live vicariously through you at this special time, and you will invariably make some compromises (especially if they are supplying the funds), but ultimately, YOU must be happy with each decision.
You want to look back on this time as the most special time of your life. Make it yours!
Let us help you get there.
And most of all, have fun!